This summer the iEcoLab has a very strong, large group of undergraduates working on a variety of projects. New students that joined the lab this spring include Bradley Allen, Maria Buxton, Sai Meda (a Drexel co-op student), and Benjamin Venkatesulu. Other students who were already with the lab include Gianna Busala, Rabbika Rafiu, and Lilly Zimmerman, as well as recent Temple grads Victoria Ramirez, Jeff Stuart, Spencer Williams, and Evan Zangakis.
The undergraduates have been working on a variety of projects with Dr. Helmus and Dr. Behm for spotted lanternfly and Caribbean lizards research, as well as assisting the lab’s graduate students. They’ve contributed many hours to data parsing, data analysis, literature reviews, and more.
Several of our undergraduates have wrapped up their research with the lab, and we wish them luck on their next adventure! If you are an undergraduate looking to join our team in the future, please see our Join Us page to learn about inquiring for opportunities in the iEcoLab!